Thursday, November 12, 2015

HUD Apple where the hell the title of Navdy cattle

  Compared to existing HUD products, what power do we Navdy?

  First of all, it shows more intelligence. In that it could be so many software applications work together, such as Google maps, iMessage, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, calendar software, and so on. While it can read aloud a notification and information, or you can display them on the screen. Even if the phone receives calls, navigation screen will not go away. Entrepreneurship is out of your comfort zone sometimes

  In addition, Navdy HUD installed sensors, and via Bluetooth and WiFi and cell phone connections. Once and phone lines, it will be able to run the App on the phone application, and is compatible with IOS or Andriod system. In human-computer interaction and UI are more fresh and beautiful at the same time, all products with more technological and futuristic. Compared with Taobao goods, thinking better of it software. Meanwhile, its thinking in hardware without weakness, it is understood that the HUD key parameters of the equipment is the projection distance.

  Parameters according to the official, Navdy projection distance is 1.8 m, was HUD. To know the GARMin HUD is the mirror reflection. Navdy using high-resolution images similar to the BMW HUD,Google Glass projection roller compacted piecing together low-end LED digital tube display HUD products. So highly configured products also nicknamed "Navdy HUD apples ~"

  Coincidentally, in reports as "Chinese Navdy" domestic Carplus Auto loading HUD field (Car+) is also high hopes. Car+ team involved in the HUD field because last year won millions of Yuan of angel investment in the near future. One of the highlights of this product is that teams want to put information into HUD, including micro-.

  While driving for the usual send and receive mobile phone app users, if you can throw the phone away, through voice interaction to complete micro-operation in such a manner is definitely a piece of good news, it also captures the many functions of the pain points. It is understood that the Car+ team Navdy access the mobile phone, for example, to add the APP in it, says it's not hard to imagine Car+ the core of the team is that mobile phones, imagine owner being people, environments, vehicles, network, between the cloud and mobile phones, HUD can become connected to their Center.

  HUD for the auto market should be more niche products, in addition to HUD LED display products for sale on Taobao, its market share was almost 0. In this market with great potential, would be big brother for the battlefield, let us wait and see!

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